Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Radical Experiment by David Platt

      Yesterday I finished the book radical.(FINALLY) and I can honestly tell you that it was the most challenging book I've ever finished.(other than scripture).  So I have decided to summarize the final chapter of that book. this book pushed me into new understandings such as. 1.Pray over the entire World daily. 2.Read the Word of God  all the way through. 3.Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose. 4.Spend your time in another context. 5.Commit your life to a multiplying community. In the book it says to continually do all of these, Every day for one whole year. It also promises that after doing all of these things that your life will change for God in miraculous ways. So while I sit here at my desk drinking my moms home made caramel frappe, and listening to the new David Crowder album, I will describe this list in further detail : )
       First we have (Pray over the entire World daily.) and this section starts with a question saying, "Can I as an individually really pray specifically and effectively for the entire world?" that same question came into my mind after reading just the title; but as I read on, David tells a story about when Jesus was speaking to his disciples in Matthew 10 saying "before anything else pray." Yet another interesting point came along, We assume as humans that Jesus would tell the disciples to pray for those in harm or hurt, drought or famine, but Jesus told them to pray for the Church. The most effective way for people to hear is by the Church going and telling! Platt says that the people are waiting to hear just like they were in Matthew when they created giant crowds around Jesus. David say that he sometimes finds a specific area of the world and prays for that specific area for a week. Prayer is a way of opening a door for God to do anything, and by praying the Church grows, moves, and works.
      Second (Read the word of God all the way through.) He starts by saying "Systematically read through the entire bible, form Genesis1:1-Revelations 22:21 and all 31,101 verses in between." And for those of the readers who know me I don't read... so this challenge to me sounds thick. The book goes on saying that we have brothers and sisters around the world who are risking their lives to hear and know God's Word. And if we are going to join them we need to start with our Bibles open and have engaged minds! Platt says that he was hesitant in finishing his own book, because he wasn't sure if his book would be worth it. The Bible is the only Book that holds the very words of God. And the Bible is another way how God speaks to us. It is VERY important to stay in it!
      Third there is (Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose.) As I read this chapter I noticed David saying that he said sacrifice not give. Because when I read that and still as you read what I say it, sometimes we don't catch it. (Sacrifice=The surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.)  We as humans don't want to see those little words Prized or desirable. so instead we think unimportant or invaluable. And for most people money is the BIG one that hits you. David goes on saying that if we make only 10,000 dollars a year we are richer than 84% of the world, and if we make 50,000 we are wealthier than 99% of this world! If that doesn't open your eyes wide I don't know what will! God gives to us His love so that in return we give His love to the blind, poor, and unloved! In the same way God gives to us possessions so that in return we give sacrificially to those who don't have any. Sacrificial giving to those in need. David also gave us some guidelines to follow to help make sure we give to help Gods kingdom. First, Give to something that is Gospel centered. Second, Give to something that is Church focused. Third, Give to a specific tangible need. Finally, give to something or someone you can trust.
      Fourth, (Spend your time in another context.) In the midst of the text he challenges us to try to give at least 2% of our time in the next year. 2% of one year is equivalent to 1 week in our year. Remember it says in another context... by that David means going into the world and effectively sharing the Gospel in a different area of the world than you normally reside in. So he says to go out for 1 week of your life into the world internationally. Physically going there. Platt say that people for his specific Church group tell him about personal experiences they have had with their 2 %, saying that they had just recently returned from Latin America on a Missions trip. They were so excited that they were lock armed and smiling from ear to ear. They decided that if they could go to a different country and share the Gospel, they could do it in America. Now they started various ministries for children in the area and have seen many men and women come to faith in Christ from drug and violence ridden backgrounds! : ) For some people that 2% may become the other 98% instead!
      Last (Commit your life to a multiplying community.) (I know by know your probably thinking how much more amateur text will I have to read! And to be honest I didn't intend for this to take 3 hours either, but I'll tell you what if their is one person that I reach with this somewhere that I have done my job!) for this next chapter David tells a story of  people who have committed their lives to the Church. So out of generosity I will give you a short cut to see some of these stories. you're welcome.
      So as I try to pray for the entire world, try to read through the whole Word, SACRIFICE money and other processions to those who need, spend my time  in another context, and commit my life to the Church, I also pray for you to do the same. And I ask for your prayers daily for me to do the same.